the alternative setup-- Photo by Joseph Gochangco |
Our second wedding was chaotic. There were two weddings,for those who don't know-- one was that intimate small wedding in the church, the 2nd one was a dream wedding by a gazebo at Hilton Resort. The service was the worst, I had the worst migraine, my bp escalated and I haven't slept for all the hell I've put through as a bride in that god-forsaken resort. The worst part was, on our wedding day, the sun was shining so bright, I was about to have a bad mood when 10minutes before the ceremony, I was told that my dream gazebo setup will not materialize because it was raining so hard. I was the last one who knew about this. I looked outside and lo and behold, my topiary of roses were carried into the hotel. It was a disaster. And I was crying and crying and crying.
And then it hit me, my husband is waiting for me downstairs. No amount of crying can bring my setup back. And at the end of the day, plans will not always turn out the way we want it. That's how the cookie crumbles. We just have to accept what's there and what's most important in our lives. And at that moment, the most important was my husband. All of the topiaries, or the setup or the venue could've made it better but it would all be useless without him.
the kiss! photo by Mama MM |
So, I walked down an aisle I haven't planned, a venue I haven't imagined (thank you I Do Weddings for bringing out the best in the situation) but towards the man I have always loved and will always love...
Today is the 2nd year of that fateful day. Sure, I still remember the rain, or not being able to eat, and the migraine in between. But I could never forget how he looked into my eyes when I said my vows, when my heart melted and laughed with his vows, how everyone was so happy, when my dad sang a song for me when we danced, when my brothers all danced with me,how everything went well afterwards.
And the memories of that wedding gave me a very valuable lesson-- that a rainbow will always come after the rain. Cheezy? Yep! But it sure does. As long as you believe, as long as you know what's important, as long as love will always be there.
On my 2nd anniversary card to him: Real love is real life that starts after the bouquet has been tossed.. it's the caring and sharing that comes when life gets busy, bills need to be paid, and errands need to be run. It's laughing and teasing and working things out. It's learning and knowing what your partner needs-- even without asking. It's the little jokes that only the two of you understand. Real love is building a real life together--- and there's simply nothing stronger or more rewarding than that. Real love is what we have...
that look! |
Such is indeed true when I greeted him last night cooking porkchops, that anniversary card and in the morning, I made breakfast for him. No fancy dinner outside, expensive getaways. Despite of everything that's been thrown our way, I could only sigh and thank the Lord of how blessed we are that we still remain happy and loved.. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death separates us. I still mean it. You're my hero and I will forever and ever love you.
For my wab, my houseband, my partner, my life: Happy Happy Anniversary! Yours forever!
Arlyn's Vow to Lito
our dance |
Before I state my vows, I would like to share a secret of mine to everyone. This may take a while but since it is raining outside and I happen to be the bride now, you are all obliged to bear with me. hehehe... Kidding aside, well, my secret is I snore.. I think that's no secret for those who know me. But---aside from snoring, my true secret remains in my clasped hands under the pillow when I sleep. The reason behind that is because back when I was young, whenever I say a prayer to God, I blow my wishes to Bungee, the name I gave my guardian angel.
I've always believed that Bungee will give my wishes to God. You see, granting wishes are two-way. For God to make it happen, and for me to believe it will happen. When I just see it in a one-way street, that it's up to God's hands only, then it's no use. I just have to believe, that's all I can do.
I am telling you this secret because years ago, I whispered a prayer to Bungee-- that after all the pain that I have encountered, God will direct me to the right guy, the right guy who can more or less love me like how my late Papa Carling loves my Mama Sising or how my Daddy loves my Mom, the right guy who will treat me as what I am worth, and who appreciates me for me. Never in my whole life did I expect that God will direct me right back to the first guy I ever loved and who has loved me from the very start...
Dy, when I was 15 during prom night, you asked me to dance when nobody else would. You were wearing your CAT uniform, all sweaty from your duty of arranging the chairs and I was wearing this incredibly now-baduy mix of Imelda hairdo, loud pink skirt and flowery blouse my Mom had me wear. I don't normally do dances but I remembered I nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, I will dance with you". That memory of us dancing awkwardly at the corner will always be etched in my memory because, I have loved you from that day on...
When we found each other again years and heartaches later, I just couldn't thank Him enough that all along, it has always been you. You are everything I need, and at this moment, God just showed his immense love for me because He has given me you. You are the one person I have waited my whole life for, more than what I wished for. With you, I know that Bungee did a really good job and that my prayers have been answered.
If I could use a quote from one of my favorite series, it would say, "At this moment, there are 6460818671 people in the world. Some are running scared, some just wants someone to hug, some struggling to make it through the day, some contented with what they have. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls, and among those six billion, it's amazing that I have found the one for me, someone just less than a kilometer from our house. God just released a bestselling love story just for me and the happy endng He created is with you. And because of this, I am now going to marry my best friend, the one I laugh with, lived for, dreamed with and hoped for. You are my prince, my true north, the one who keeps every beat of my heart meaningful, my wab and my Bungee-wish-come true!
So in front of our family and friends, with me being so proud and happy to marry my dream guy, I promise one general thing-- that I will always believe--
believe that God has given you to me and I will always take care of you because you are a very precious gift.. I will believe in the magic of our first kiss and the uniqueness of our child-like qualities no matter how old we get for I believe that anyone can be passionate but it takes real lovers to be silly. I will endure all the times that you make me snort, and learn how to drive and massage so I can return the favor. I will comfort you when your favorite basketball team loses and food trip with you when they win, even if I don't understand what a rebound or jumpshot is and who the MVP turns out. When you want someone to encourage you, I want it to be me. I'll be your cheerleader all throughout (ra-ra!). When you need a helping hand, I want it to be mine. When you long for someone to smile at you, turn to me and you will see that I am just here, smiling for you. When you have something to share, share it with me because I will always listen to you...
Today, I take you as my best friend for life. I love you so much that I want to stand beside you through thick and thin, through good and bad, through joy and sorrow. I want to spend the rest of my life hearing your thoughts and seeing your dreams. I promise to be a good mother to our children an forever strive to be great children to our parents, to make our love inspiring to others, to make our lives and selves better and better from this day on..You are my something, my someday and someone that everyone longs for...
Pre, you know that I am not the prettiest, sexiest, richest and smartest, and even the most photogenic which is ironic since you are a wedding photographer thus I don't have that much to offer. But today, I offer you the best of me-- and that is the wholeness of myself-- no pretenses, no frills, no price tag. I give you my love, my support, my honor, my respect and my friendship. I promise you my all, I promise you my every day, I promise you that I will always believe-- in guardian angels, in you and in us...I am eternally yours forever..
Blow kisses to Bungee (Bungee and Col, be with us always)
Lito's Vow to Arlyn
Here are our wedding vows during July 11, 2009:
Lito's vow to Arlyn:
Years ago, I found you, my first love
but had to be given up abruptly
I thought I've lost you, and moved on
So began the story, as told by destiny..
We came upon each other too often
in the commute, the bank, the school
How can my heart and I forget?
I just grew fonder of you, like a fool
A business date sans business
would be the end, and a new start
to the love that had to wait
and the blossoming of our heart
You were my first love that I lost
My first love, now found...
Finally one, in holy unity
make blissful memories abound
And now I make my vow to you
to surrender myself completely
I am yours and nothing to hide
entirely, for eternity....
laughing and crying at the same time on the vows |