There is a side of me that only some people can understand.
I am blessed to have these two who knows, appreciates and loves that side of me and everything else in between.
Three is not a crowd when it comes to us. The good thing about us is that there is always someone who stands in the middle when things do not go well with the other. We worked in the same office before but ironically, we never got close until Vianney resigned and worked in another company. Since then, most laags will never be the same when one is absent.
Got these pictures from my kaban of pics. Right now, I could not imagine not having you both in my life.
Thank you Vianney and JB for Lhouse, the loads of fun, for the trust, the companionship, all the movie marathons, food trips and the beer stupors. Thank you for the super frank comments, no BS when it comes to the 3 of us bahala na magkasakitay! Most of all, thank you for the mere acceptance of each other. Love you guys!
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