Curious, eh? I am pretty sure that the title itself led you to reading this post! hahaha!
Being married to my best friend has its advantages. We can talk about a lot of things-- including this. Hahaha! I have no reason to cheat and I am not planning to. I happen to be married to one of the sexiest, coolest and most handsome guy in the universe (reaction? kevs! this is my blog!) and for that, I am so blessed.
So we came into talking about making a list of the people we are allowed to have a hall pass on, if circumstances would allow it! LOLz. Well, just for fun, here is my top 10, not in particular order because I don't want to be sooooo picky (yeah right!)...
1. Adam Levine... Well, for one, he moves like Jagger (walleeeyyy!!). Among band vocalists, Adam for me is the sexiest! Confident but not trying hard, he has sex appeal at its finest. I can't understand it but that ragged, tattoo-covered body makes you want to go gaga all over and over and over....... |
This photo makes you wonder whose hands these are! hahaha... Lucky b*tch. |
2. Chris Hemsworth. Well, hello, Thor! What girl could look deep into those baby blues and not thank the heavens above for this godly gift? I mean, really. I couldn't imagine having someone else play the role of Thor. Yes, if I see you, I'd catapult to the heavens with you and have more reasons to embrace immortality more. |
3. Bradley Cooper... You had me in Hangover. Another one with the baby blues and killer smile, at that! And that hair of his makes you want to softly comb your hands to smoothen the waves or just touch them... Ooh.. and don't forget the movie Limitless (*must-watch!). In the beginning of the movie, he is that ragged, drugged loser of a guy who has nowhere to go in life-- yet, I still find him enticing. He is definitely on my list, with or without the pill! |
4. Chris Evans... Oh-kay. I am trying to take my gaze away from this picture... Can't! His eyes are so magnetizing...See, I'm looking again. And again.. Are you staring at me too, dear Chris? (assuming much!) Captain America, can I be your shield? I don't care if you are asleep for 70years, I'll give you the male version of Sleeping Beauty and kiss you 'til you're awake! |
5. Ian Somerhalder... a.k.a. Damon Salvatore. Do I have the knack for bad boys? Maybe I do have! If vampires were true and I'd come across THIS vampire, I'd offer my neck for some sucking (pero sorry Damon, I am hypertensive so I'm equivalent to lechon craves hahaha). You know what they say about bad boys falling in love? They can be the most romantic, granting they find the perfect girl to tame them. Too bad I am married already and you'll have to settle for Elena. (assuming much? daydreaming here, peeps!) |
6. Jim Sturgess. I fell in love with Dexter in the book, One Day (must-read and must-watch!). When I saw the movie and he starred my favorite character, I wished I could trade places with Anne Hathaway not because of her good looks, but because I wanted to be Emma. I would die to have a best friend as good looking as this one! Who can resist his boyish charms? Not me. |
7. John Lloyd Cruz... To my friends who know me so well: SURPRISED??? hahaha..
My husband specifically asked me not to include him mainly because he knows he'd be on my list. Sorry dy, he'll never be off my list. This local fascination started way way back in his Tabing Ilog days when he was Rovic. He wasn't that famous then but I fell in love with his boyish, good-natured looks coupled with his comic personality and amazing acting talent. The only local celebrity on my list, Lito would be glad we didn't make this list when we were still dating and JLC and I saw each other at my former workplace! |
8. Josh Duhamel... IOnce upon a time before the Transformers movie made this cute guy Captain William Lennox, he was Ted Hamilton (another must-watch!). And I'd win every contest just to have a date with this guy! If this guy is staring at you like he does in this picture, you'd forget everything, including your name. I'm not kidding. Charming, smile that could melt your heart, you'd wish he's just next door so you can never stop salivating at his good looks.. |
9. Keanu Reeves... Yes Neo, you are the one for Matrix, unfortunately not for me. I remember being a little kid watching the movie Speed (co-starring Sandra Bullock) and I was asking my grandfather who the lead actor was. He said he didn't care and that I should study. Study, I did! But I never forgot about Keanu Reeves. Good thing there was no Google back then or my Lolo would have found me researching pictures of Keanu (definitely not one of my homeworks!)
10. Devon Sawa when he was Casper... The only time I pasted posters on my bedroom wall was that time I saw Casper come alive in the persona of Devon Sawa. Girls my age would go nostalgic and be transported back to the time when a ghost can be so irresistible. Albeit the Devon Sawa now is not as dreamy as the young one, the child in me wants to pick an intermediate pad and scribble out our names together in F.L.A.M.E.S. hahaha.. (P.S. My brothers destroyed my poster and drew fangs and horns on Devon's face.. I have vowed to never forgive them. Lucky for them, we all grow up!) |
So, there you go. That is my Hall Pass list! As luck would have it, I never get to see these guys now that I am married nor will there ever be a chance. But some of you might not know it, I have a lover. Don't judge me. Lito knows this and as much as I try to resist, I just can't. And sorry Lito, I don't have to ask your permission because I will always be tempted to cheat (whatever this is) whenever I am with him. So as a bonus for reading my top 10, here's my number 11 (click next!). Ciao!
11. Lito Chiu Inso.. Forever. I'd scratch this list and forget about these guys for you. You are the only one for moi. I would even marry you over and over again. The territorial me is making imaginary fences around this guy-- he's mine, girls! Sorry! Love you paree! |