The Ninja Vs. The Big C: Appetite Loss
Patients who are under chemotherapy are expected to have appetite loss. They don't feel like eating food like they used to and this could lead to weight loss. Unfortunately, most of the medicines in chemo react with the body in a way that causes loss of appetite and said weight loss. Many factors are involved, including the medicine, and sometimes, the cancer itself may affect the patient's metabolism.
This could lead to a mild form of anorexia. Severe appetite and weight loss could lead to cachexia-- malnutrition that causes muscle loss.
Ninja Master's Counter Strike: Natural Eating Machine Turned On
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the yummy humba & the seafood pasta |
Big C, your strike is: Chemotherapy brings appetite loss, you say??? Sorry, dude. You have underestimated our Ninja Master. Contrary to your belief that he will succumb to your battle gears, this fact will leave you crying and urge you to rethink of your strategies and sharpen your axes.
Lunch as of yesterday: Humba and Spaghetti from our eldest, Achi Anna Ng.
So again, appetite loss? Hahaha. Yeah right. Not for our ninja master.
Lito (brat mode): I DON'T WANT to EAT hospital veggies.. I want that HUMBA now!!!!
Me: NO. Eat your veggies before the humba, paree.
Lito: Okay. But I think you need to buy more rice downstairs. Dili ni enough atong rice.
So, I went down and bought two cups of rice at the hospital cafeteria, one cup for me and one cup for him. When I went back at the room, his hospital rice is nowhere to be found but his veggies are untouched.
Lito: Yeyyy!! More rice!! Give me some puhlease.
Me: No. You haven't eaten your veggies. Eat them first.
(Lito grumbles and ate the veggies anyway... He then extended his hospital plate and said)
Lito: I need a bigger plate. Please get our plate and more rice puhlease.
Me: Oh-kay.
After a few minutes of not talking and devouring his food...
Lito: Uhm paree.. can I have your rice puhlease? I need more..
Lito: Yes mywab, sorry... You can go down again and buy some more rice for yourself.. Sorry.
Me: Oh-kay.
Lito: And while you're at it, please bring me the grapejuice at the ref... hehe.. I wab you.
Me: hehe.. Oh-kay. Brat. I wab you too.
Appetite Loss Strike Score:
Big C= 0
Ninja Master= 1
Yeah! Way to go!
Big C's strike on appetite loss: Our ninja wins! |