The Fat Drowning Moron
It's funny that
some people approach me and say, "You look healthy and well for someone
with so many problems". By healthy, I would assume that was a nicer way to
say that I have gained some weight. Yes, I do know. My husband even plays with
my flabby tummy and I like that every night before he goes to sleep, he reaches
under the covers for.. yes.. my tummy (what were you thinking?? haha)

My main goal right now is to stay as healthy as possible, even if that would add up to a few pounds. So, I'm stocking up with a lot of vitamins, eat as much healthy food as I can and be healthy for Lito. That would be one of my greatest gifts. It would be such an added burden for me to be sick as well. I am happy that on top of a few pounds, I never had a case of hypertension ever since Lito's diagnosis. And thank God, I have never been as healthy as I am at this time. So, yeah, I could live with the few extra pounds.
It might be awkward
for some to see me laughing my heart out over something and just be happy amidst
suffering. Sometimes, I surprise myself with these affirmations of happiness.
We are so accustomed to associate suffering with sadness. I say, it’s okay
to be happy even in suffering. I dare say, be happy even, and most especially,
in suffering.
It is only in
seeing a clearer perspective that we can be happy in anything. It is so easy to
be happy when everything goes well. What’s the challenge in that? But when
things you love are stripped out of your hands, the challenge starts. And the
challenge will never be done with success if you do it alone.
I have learned that
only through allowing our Lord Friend up above to work in our lives that we
find peace and happiness even amidst the storms. Without Him, our perspective
is one-way: we only see the negative side. We tend to question, “Why? Why?
Why?” And we end up confused. Angry. Lost.

There are times
that the storms and thought of the past storms still scare me. There are times
that I drown myself in misery and just cry myself at times. But so many times
that I thought I have drowned, I have always been saved. For in our challenges, there may be a lot of
things to cry and be sad about. But then, there are more things to be happy
Like my Lito in
remission, like being so in love it feels like we are still starting to date,
like having new friends, like being able to inspire others, like being able to
appreciate being alive, having a family, having the opportunity to have a child
(even for 18days), like letting go of small stuff, like having food to eat on
the table. There are still so many, many things to be thankful for that when we
do our nightly prayers, we just smile and go to bed happy, thanking God of the
blessings, instead of asking why bad things happen.
We go to bed happy, we wake up happy. It's a cycle that makes everything else in between bearable.
To end, I was blogwalking and I saw this video of a very inspiring couple. Our Lord Friend has some amazing ways to put things back in perspective. This is so heartwarming and I encourage you to spend a few minutes of your time to watch this. I also ask that you pray for Ian and Larissa Murphy, people I don't know, but somehow, have touched my heart...
Had the roles been reversed, I know he would have never left me-- Larissa Murphy